Monday, May 11, 2009


Apparently Obama's choice of eats isn't good enough for  the press.
Reading my local newspaper a few days ago, I come across a small headline associating mustard and Obama, Yum. REALLY? I had a rant to my Mother and brother that morning about the whole thing. People, It's mustard, you all need to chill-ax. It seems like a desperate attempt for dispute due to the lack of major events hitting our planet Earth, but isn't that how it's always been? Dwelling on choices, actions and the completely normal things we make out to be abnormal done and made by people who are doing way better then us in life. 

Sure if you're living in the projects you wouldn't be grabbing for the fancies but there are tons of people of middle class-ers enjoying that Dijon. If I had nearly as much money as he's bringing home, I'd be eating more expensive things then hamburgers with lavish mustards for damn sure. The press has lost all dignity a long time ago, talk about judgmental with this one. It's one big insult, thing is they think their cleaver article has put one over Obama when really It screams "LOOK HOW DESPERATE AND TRIVIAL WE'VE GOTTEN THROUGH THE YEARS REALIZING WE WILL NEVER AMOUNT TO THE PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ARTICLES WE WORK OUR BUTTS OFF ON. PLEASE NOTICE ME DEFY THEIR GOING ABOUTS." 
No Big deal.